As a white person, I find it particularly extraordinary that her act was such a universal message.
Michael Jackson's mass appeal resulted, in part, from his universal message of love and peace, the student concluded.
Students respond well to the universal messages of the classics when the texts are made accessible.
We believe that Judaism is a religious faith with a universal message for all people.
Zip your lips, is the universal message, and get with the program.
He is very simple, but he has a universal message that can travel across time and borders.
Concentration upon only one opponent at a time is an almost universal message for college football players.
But more than half the region's hotel rooms are intact, and, the universal message to tourists is: Please come back.
But if I didn't have a universal message, no one would give me an opportunity to publish a book.
In this case, it was a universal message that could lead to a more peaceful world.