St. Jerome gives a similar appraisal but adds that with time it had been universally admitted.
It was universally admitted that if the friends of the accused could throw light upon this, they would have gone a long way towards establishing his innocence.
The story of Prometheus is one likewise which, although universally admitted to be allegorical, has never been satisfactorily explained.
This distinction, though not universally admitted by medical men, as to the literal meaning, of the words, certainly applies to them in their figurative use.
The accuracy of these translations and their elegance of style were universally admitted.
It had been universally admitted that the earth lay unsupported in space.
It was now universally admitted that the learned K'o-ch'ang had been an impostor, a clever ghost.
During the early part of his life, he was universally admitted to be facile princeps among the Swedish poets of his time.
Instructions are not wanting as to the shape of the table and the size of the party; it is universally admitted that the number must be small.
James Madison once stated that it is universally admitted that a well-instructed people alone can be permanently a free people.