It has been almost universally opposed by computer and telecommunications executives and by public policy groups.
The Catholic hierarchy was almost universally opposed to the Burke-Wadsworth Act conscription bill of 1940.
The repository is almost universally opposed by Nevadans, who see it as a symbol of national contempt for their state.
Democrats are almost universally opposed to the effort, which they deride as a move to privatize Medicare.
He added: "I think Democrats will be universally opposed to doing something as foolish as that.
People here seem to be universally opposed to draining the lake and recovering the canyon.
Officials of land trusts say they are not universally opposed to development, and in fact often invite local developers to serve on their boards.
Poly-Western's students were almost universally opposed to the Norplant distribution.
They are almost universally opposed to any new eating or drinking establishments in the area, even before they know anything about the places in question.
This teaching was opposed universally by the Reformed and Protestant Churches, who maintained that, since a sacrament is a sign, it cannot also be the thing signified.