He activates Olivia to destroy the two universes to create a universe of his own design.
"Perhaps the power of the energy the rubbing universes will create."
Necrom had discovered that aligning parallel universes would create a matrix of nearly limitless magical energy.
How did the universe create complexity given the second law of thermodynamics?
At the Planck timescale, therefore, the universe can have created at most proteins of length compared to such proteins.
"Given the laws of physics, the universe can create itself," Mr. Davies writes.
Now, after pinning down the existence of midsize black holes, astrophysicists have a new puzzle: explaining how the universe creates them.
A universe that exists because of physics - nah an intelligent designer must have created it.
Both universes have created a secure airlock-like system around the shared room housing the Machine within the bridge.
The Messiaen occupies that strange and beautiful religious universe created by one composer for himself.