"We hope to form that matter from which the entire universe emerged," Dr. Zajc said.
Indeed, our own universe emerged, Smolin speculates, through a black hole in some other universe.
Each gives a different perspective on the complex process by which the organized universe and its many deities emerged from undifferentiated chaos.
Ever-larger eyes peered out into the nothingness, and gradually, the universe emerged.
Again he turned his attention to the videoscreens, on which the universe gradually emerged.
The lotus symbolizes that god is the power and source from which the universe and the individual soul emerges.
Due to Solar's childhood memories of comic book heroes, a universe similar to his own emerged, now populated by various superhumans and alien races.
We can't watch the universe emerge; we're part of it, we're trapped inside the space-time created by the act of explanation.
But the theory gives not even a clue about what the universe emerged from, or what caused it to explode into being.