This by no means constitutes definitive proof that the universe actually did originate with the Big Bang.
According to this theory, the universe originated in an enormous explosion.
How did the universe originate and evolve to produce the galaxies, stars, and planets we see today?
Few people actually are, for that means blind faith in the proposition that this universe originated in a cipher and aimlessly rushes nowhere.
Not an ordinary box of nothing, it emerges, but some of the real nonstuff from which the universe originated.
This was the first indication that the universe originated from a single point, in a Big Bang.
Different astrophysicists hold different views about precisely how the universe originated (Cosmogony).
The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg.
Owlman begins fervently seeking Earth-Prime, the very first Earth from which all other universes originated.
It is a fact that the universe originated in a big bang.