These are the online universes populated by virtual representations of gamers whose likenesses and skills persist from one game session to the next.
Marq says that his "structure of desire" is "a beautiful universe" populated by a vast and unique collection of attractive and unattractive attributes.
The series is set in a hypothetical universe populated by different kinden.
Television producer Whitney Ellsworth created a pilot that placed the Superman mythos into a fictional universe populated by dogs instead of human beings.
Morrison made the title character an everyman figure living in a universe populated by superheroes, aliens, and fantastic technology.
He created a candy-colored, comic-Surreal universe populated by the Jetsons, sundry monsters and a seemingly endless array of action-packed pictorial tricks.
The novel is set in a postcyberpunk dystopian universe populated by humans living in a shellshocked, unfairly stratified society overseen by super-rich technocrats.
The fables are written in the grotesque form of folk fairy tales, set in the universe populated by robots.
This version of Optimus Prime comes from a universe populated solely by Spy Changers where Transformers are smaller than those in other universes.
Is there a "dark side of the universe" populated by objects such as black holes?