Each tour, led by a university biologist, takes visitors through rooms that resemble tropical, desert and Alpine climates.
At issue is whether the many university biologists who depend on Federal funds will have access to a research field rich with medical promise and ethical minefields.
The affairs of the institute are keenly followed by university biologists because it has become a famously generous patron of academic biomedical research.
Other university biologists are pleased with their appointment.
The acceptance of Affymetrix chips by university biologists is a promising sign but does not guarantee commercial success.
The National Institutes of Health issued rules under which the many university biologists it supports may start working with human embryonic stem cells.
Several other university biologists agree with Dr. Lander's criticisms or believe for different reasons that Celera's method did not work.
But the Reagan Administration planned to let university biologists run the project, spreading the pork around the states to build the usual constituency.
From the 1860s onwards this approach began to change under the influence of German university biologists.
The university biologists had cleared a place for cars to park and built a boardwalk that looped out over the swamp.