At the beginning, the personnel hostels and the university clinics for child medicine were moved.
L. is almost 2 years old; he first came to the university clinic because a heart murmur was heard shortly after birth.
He was director of otolaryngology at the university clinic in Erlangen from 1889 to 1902.
The university clinic was asked to prepare for first aid, and teachers and students were warned not to go out at night.
From 1882 until his death in 1905, he was a professor at the university clinic in Vienna.
In 1892 he was appointed professor extraordinarius at a new university psychiatric clinic.
In 1951 began work in the university clinic for psychiatry and psychotherapy.
This type of technology is only available in university clinics in Romania.
At Halle, he was also director of the university medical clinic.
The university clinics operated without interruption, treating about 800 patients that time.