The university is currently constructing a purpose-built campus in the city, which should be complete by 2014.
In addition, the university has constructed five additional labs.
The university constructed the Sungshin building which is an education facility that was rebuilt marking the 70th anniversary.
As part of that plan, the university has constructed additional dorms and has tried to make campus life more desirable.
During the 20th century, the university purchased land around these buildings and constructed new ones to enable expansion.
He also said the university would construct an additional formal entrance to provide a link with its neighbors to the east.
Between 1959 and 1980, the university renovated or constructed various buildings to form the academic infrastructure of the campus.
The university has constructed four academic building and started class from August 2011 in the main campus.
During the 1960s, the university constructed numerous large buildings, expanding the campus.
Recently, the university has constructed over 1 million square feet (90,000 m2) of academic and laboratory space devoted to the life sciences.