Cuba has 47 universities and total university enrollment is approximately 112,000 citizens.
In these years, the graduate student population increased from 936 to 4,200 and the overall university enrollment reached 25,135 students.
Between 1958 and 1960 there was more than a 13% annual increase in university enrollments.
The university enrollment was approximately 1,500 students as of October 2011.
More information about the university enrollment can be found at
The university enrollment has now grown to more than 16,000 students.
This led to a 89% rise in university enrollments between 1970 and 1973.
As of Spring 2013, the university enrollment was 13,010 students.
Women have accounted for 40 percent of university enrollment since the mid-1960s.
The university enrollment is approximately 7,500, and has a distributed ratio of 49:51, women to men.