The university has also increased financial aid to middle-income students.
With contributions from more than 60,000 households, in March 2012 the university increased the goal again, to $1 billion.
In response, the university increased its police force in the past 18 months to 54 officers from 50.
By 1925, the university had increased the number of names on the official list to 35, and sometime later, it grew to 37.
Soon the university had increased and the number of students reach the 800 and the de professors - to 50.
Since, the university has increased in the number of staff, students and programmes offered.
Under his presidency the university increased both in size and academic standing.
Since then, the university has increased in the number of courses and programs it offers.
As urban universities increase in size and complexity, they hire a large staff of city residents.
The university has increased workers' hourly rate by 25 percent and offers a $13-a-month health care benefits package.