"But with university partnerships and federal work-study funding, there's no reason this can't happen everywhere."
As part of the university partnership, ABN employed a number of student interns in programming, operations, and marketing.
Other university partnerships, some with automakers, have been less controversial.
The alliance members run nearly 1,000 university partnerships worldwide.
In 2007, it became the first of Australian RCSs to enter a public-private university partnership.
Because of these university partnerships, the college offers many associate and bachelor degrees that are normally found only at the university level.
UK Higher Education minister David Willetts and the largest-ever Canadian delegation were also in the country, enthusiastically talking of university partnerships.
In addition to the academic curriculum, numerous opportunities to narrow-health career choices are provided to students with field trips, mentors from the medical fields, internships, and university partnerships.
This led the region to devote its resources to on its internal recovery, with less scope for international university partnerships.
The organization expanded through a series of successful university partnerships that allowed Amizade to expand its previous volunteer vacation opportunities to focus also on the potential value and transformational experiences for college and university students.