Educational Support: Provide sustainable enterprise instruction, curricula and internship projects to university-based programs and community colleges within the Greater Chicago Area.
Unlike Interhostel, it also operates university-based programs in the United States and Canada.
A key component of non-commercial or university-based academic detailing programs is that they (academic detailers, management, staff, program developers, etc.) do not have any financial links to the pharmaceutical industry.
A pioneering organization in the effort to improve and enliven the teaching of history, today NCHS is part of a dynamic network of university-based programs that work with K-12 history and social studies teachers.
Direct-entry midwives learn midwifery through self-study, apprenticeship, a private midwifery school, or a college- or university-based program distinct from the discipline of nursing.
This certification process encompasses multiple educational routes of entry including apprenticeship, self-study, private midwifery schools, college- and university-based midwifery programs, and nurse-midwifery.
The Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) is a non-profit organization of university-based educational programs, faculty, practitioners, and health care provider organizations.
The following is a selection of hospital- and university-based programs: University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, 412-624-1069.
Occupational science now includes university-based academic programs leading to undergraduate and graduate degrees in the field.
In 1967, shortly after arriving at Brown and just at the start of a boom in university-based creative-writing programs, he founded the Associated Writing Programs, the professional association of academic creative writers.