The phrase implies that "unjust acts cannot create law".
An unjust act toward one member of society is an unjust act against all.
After two extensions of the law in 1866 and 1869 the unjust acts were finally repealed in 1886.
When an employee thinks his manager has not effectively handled unjust acts, he may feel the need to take matters into his own hands.
Rezaei stated that the ongoing trials of so called 'prisoners' was an unjust act.
The rest of the workforce quickly got to hear about this unjust act.
Could an unjust act be termed justice when sanctioned by a statute?
Thus, for a man to harm himself, Aristotle reasons, is an unjust act.
Your strong sense of guilt would restrain you from unjust acts of aggression.
More than 40 of them signed a statement condemning the airline for what they called an "unjust, outrageous and barbaric act."