But he points out that if satyāgraha is used in an unjust cause then only the person who uses it suffers.
Lightning told me that the war had killed Swallow's father' and she believed that he couldn't possibly have died for an unjust cause.
False testimony in support of a just cause was moral; for an unjust cause it was immoral.
Why should you perish in this jungle prison supporting an unjust cause which even your own countrymen and leaders condemn to failure?
My major premise that the will of the Vietnamese people should decide the question of just and unjust cause remained firm.
Better that than be killed in a brawl or in an unjust cause, as so many soldiers die.
A more important matter concerned them: the fate of their souls in eternity if they were to die fighting for an unjust cause.
Now he will back them even in an unjust cause, unless it is against one of his creatures.
"Loyalty to an unjust cause is a perversion of honor."
We were fighting for an unjust cause, and the war was never going to end.