Our country has been unjustly attacked before, and if we are attacked again we will have to bear it.
The Director of Security did not like being attacked unjustly, but at the same time he wanted to avoid a confrontation.
The chief reason was that Finland, in international opinion, was unjustly attacked by a much larger power.
After the Communist takeover of 1948, together with many of his peers, he was unjustly attacked, his apartment confiscated, and his pension revoked.
He went down, as I believe dead, and that was the end of a very gallant officer and gentleman whose military memory has in my opinion been most unjustly attacked.
Both sides were said to have encouraged others to join in the riots with false claims that one of "their own" was attacked unjustly.
The treaty binds each state to assist the other whenever either is unjustly attacked.
Tradition has it that this masterpiece was unjustly attacked by critics and readers of its day.
Wilkins is the leading proponent of the theory that the South was an orthodox Christian nation unjustly attacked by the godless North.
But members of the influential clan, called Mutran, say they are being unjustly attacked and complain of unfair competition and contraband.