As the naif, she frequently and unknowingly makes suggestive double entendres and is often oblivious to the attention she receives from ill-intentioned men.
He could hear the slight movements they made unknowingly, thinking themselves safe in the gloom.
For many listening to the debate, one factor made it especially easy to accept the idea that the Koreans had flown off course unknowingly.
There is no retribution, judgment or reward involved but a natural consequences of the choices in life made either knowingly or unknowingly.
Sliding apart as my ribcage will after Pete unknowingly makes his first pericardial cut on a living patient.
Her first time ice skating, Maya unknowingly makes a big impression on a mysterious man.
However, Bumblebee unknowingly made Megatron aware of his condition while he was living his fantasy of killing Optimus Prime.
Iron Feet unknowingly makes his way over to the blinded Chi Sah leader and falls to Golden Arm who impales him from behind with his arm.
People on other teams won't be very aware of the context bounds and will unknowingly make changes that blur the edges or complicate the interconnections.
Perhaps most touching, though, has been the in-kind contribution made unknowingly by scores of people nationwide, many of them children, who have sent letters of support.