The carefully-mapped but still unknown continent be- yond the Sea was the same apparently random patchwork that it had always been.
Furthermore, his journals from the third voyage call the "land of Paria" a "hitherto unknown" continent.
This became a motivator to settle west into the unknown continent, and likewise an expansion of tobacco production.
There are unknown continents to find.
At last we had encountered an outpost of the great unknown continent and its cryptic world of frozen death.
The agent of change was not a revolution, an implacable army at the gates, or landfall on an unknown continent.
Abeleyn's cousin, Murad, has discovered evidence of an unknown continent located across the sea and won the king's approval to set up a colony there.
This book caused a lot of interest in the idea of an unknown continent.
South of it (and separated by a strait) lies an unknown continent very close to mythical sub-saharan Africa.
For centuries, it was believed that a great unknown continent encompassed much of the southern end of the globe.