Directed by an unknown filmmaker, the video is extremely abstract, with no definitive visual characteristics other than major usage of contrast and light.
Then an unknown filmmaker, he found Mr. Crisp's number in the phone book and soon after calling was invited over for tea.
I couldn't do it on my own, so I enlisted the help of Chinese friends (among them, Wayne Wang, then an unknown filmmaker).
They provide an opportunity for unknown filmmakers to get their movies in front of a real live audience and to have their films reviewed by professional critics.
And of course we're always delighted to find a new twist from the realm of some as yet unknown filmmaker's demented imagination.
Most film festivals require new or relatively unknown filmmakers to pay an entry fee to have their works considered for screening.
The festival aims to enable undiscovered and unknown filmmakers to present their works to the audiences.
Hollywood got a taste of that when "The Blair Witch Project," a low-budget movie by unknown filmmakers, became a huge hit after an Internet publicity campaign.
Any kind of promotion is good for his business, as is especially true for unknown filmmakers.
IN 1989 an unknown 26-year-old filmmaker from Louisiana delivered what might have been the final blow to the shaky edifice known as the Hollywood studio system.