We face a threat of unknown proportions and can't expect the crew to just shrug it off.
In addition, goods or services that provide benefits to both households and the business sector (but in unknown proportions) are ignored.
If the season is canceled, the N.B.A. and the players face a risk of unknown proportions.
Whilst an unknown proportion of the £500,000 was used to create extensive evaluations of environmental issues, planning ideas and the way forward.
"A crisis of unknown proportion: An empirical analysis of the American medical malpractice system."
There has been a daymark built in the 1650s of unknown proportions, also its charasteristics are unknown.
An unknown, but large proportion of the population is dependent on supply through water tankers.
The vast majority of the unknown proportion of species estimates are invertebrates and bacteria.
A higher but unknown proportion of the 28 per cent of births now outside marriage are also likely to be unwanted.
An unknown, but presumably high, proportion of these immigrant populations is Muslim.