This judgement was a necessary and quick judicial response to an unlawful attempt by one publisher to take someone else's copyright for his own gain.
"So you confess to taking part in an unlawful attempt to sabotage this base?"
In a statement, the Trades Union Congress said the demonstrations were an unlawful attempt to bully the government.
Psystar attempted to defend itself by arguing that the OS X licensing agreement was an "unlawful attempt to extend copyright protection to products that are not copyrightable."
What he feared, what kept him awake at night or recalled him from slumber into frenzy, was some secret, sudden, and unlawful attempt upon his life.
An unlawful attempt to re-imburse the Defendants' costs out of club funds was abandoned under the threat of further legal action.
A death, of a person in being, which is caused by an unlawful attempt to procure an abortion is at least manslaughter.
Orgetorix was intending to make an unlawful attempt in seizing control of all Gaul, with Dumnorix and Casticus as his other triumvirs.
"They will put an end to Microsoft's unlawful attempts to crush competition."