He said a handful of new state laws prohibit the sale of alcohol and tobacco products by unlicensed individuals.
The requirements do not apply to unlicensed individuals, who account for at least one-fourth of the sellers at gun shows, the Administration said.
They also take appropriate action to prevent the illegal practice of engineering by unlicensed individuals.
A special effort will be made to halt illegal work done by unlicensed individuals with no public safety review.
This new law will help reduce domestic meth production by prohibiting sales of precursor chemicals to unlicensed individuals.
In some jurisdictions in the United States, it is legal for unlicensed individuals to make their own beer and wine.
The suit said the patients were instead often treated in large groups, often by unlicensed individuals.
Another major anticompetitive practice is supported (indirectly) by various state laws which prohibit the "sharing" of commissions with unlicensed individuals.
The Act also banned unlicensed individuals from acquiring handguns outside their state of residence.
The short wave bands are also used by unlicensed individuals who may want mostly short-range "party line" like communications.