"The consumers know they're better protected if their contractor is licensed by us than if the contractor is a fly-by-night unlicensed operator."
Congress should leave the choice over how best to allocate that spectrum between licensed and unlicensed operators to the expert agency.
And some cities with recycling laws have further hastened the demise of collectors by enacting ordinances forbidding unlicensed operators from collecting trash.
Instead, the lawyer had imported from New Orleans - more than 100 miles away - the young, inexperienced, uncertified, unlicensed operator who, by a curious coincidence, worked for a friend of the lawyer!
Apple Tours ran afoul of city and state officials for thousands of dollars in traffic citations, unlicensed operators, and noise complaints.
He preferred to use unlicensed operators, given the choice.
Control room operators spend from 12 to 20 percent of their time in training, and unlicensed operators in other parts of the plant are also trained.
Trekkers walking with unlicensed operators will be stopped by the KTA Rangers and the local people.
A crackdown is also planned on the unlicensed operators who have saturated the market.
Mr. Fernandez said his association had long supported stricter regulations to crack down on unlicensed operators and to toughen licensing standards.