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Includes one of the single most unlikeable people you will ever meet.
Oh please - 1 month 13 days ago She is incredibly unlikeable.
What I say to reassure myself is he's so unlikeable that he would never be elected.
In particular, the reviewer found the new main character to be unlikeable.
Why would I want to watch 4 of the most unfunny and unlikeable people on television all at the same time?
Any number of very unlikeable women had worn the stole and done well for the Tower.
I have never seen such a bunch of despicably unlikeable characters.
Nobody who writes that way can be deeply unlikeable.
But at the same time Tug remains likeable and sometimes he can be "very unlikeable".
Others do not (or rarely) break rules, but exhibit unlikeable personality traits.
She later called Victor "immensely unlikeable" and criticized his facial hair.
Described as a "mistress of the putdown" and a generally unlikeable person.
He's a strange, unlikeable fellow, but he was good to me.'
It can sap your self-esteem, making you feel unlikeable.
Love must be seen to survive the worst rows and the most unlikeable or painful behaviour.
He was a blowhard and a name dropper, two traits which I find especially unlikeable.
Feeble liked Annette, even when she was being fashionably unlikeable.
This in effect made him into a highly unlikeable 'salesman'.
At the time of the film's shooting, Rockwell explained why he was attracted to playing such unlikeable characters.
She is very unlikeable and her teaching methods usually involve bullying her students.
A very undesirable, unlikeable sort of a man.
She saw herself as an unlikeable person.
She looked tough, rude, and unlikeable at first.
By dint of great effort, I have made myself even less sympathetic and more unlikeable than the other characters."
Her conclusion aligns with Booth's claim that the speaker is an unlikeable one.
On one level she is faced with playing a difficult, even unlikable woman.
And they did not discover him to be either cold or unlikable.
The truth about crime victims is that a lot of them are unlikable.
I relate to him in that he has become easily unlikable.
They feel cold and unlikable if not just plain scary.
He was one of the most unlikable contestants they had, in my opinion.
He said that the episodes used Amy well, as it did not make her unlikable.
A lot of actors don't want to be unlikable, even if they're the bad guy.
Other networks would have made me cut that out because it makes him unlikable."
This is not to say that the production is unlikable.
It's one thing to find you've grown to care for characters who are on some level unlikable and annoying.
And the missing girl seems so unlikable that readers may not care if Page ever finds her.
In fact, Pratt managed to render nearly every character on the show unlikable.
"To find out why I find you interesting, attractive and unlikable."
Judy Wells, for example, is monstrous and yet not entirely unlikable.
Based upon his portrait, Taney looks rather severe and unlikable, but he must have been a kind man.
In this age of the sympathetic character, it's delightful to see how unlikable Lewis can be.
It's not that these smart, complicated women are unlikable.
The tall elf was arrogant and unlikable, but he had courage.
A landlord, appropriately greedy and unlikable, comes by to collect.
To his credit, this young scamp works assiduously at being unlikable.
I showed the script to some professional screenwriters, and they said the lead character was too unlikable.
Instead he's given us a smarmy portrait of two incomprehensible and unlikable people.
"If you understand a person, the person can do whatever unlikable act, and you'll still be rooting for him."
I fervently hope no harm comes to Finch, unlikable as he may be.