Unlike most other programs, Hutzel provides older children with comprehensive medical and psychological treatment.
Unlike other programs, the Skadden lawyers will be under no obligation to return to the firm.
Unlike other programs, financial news programs do not count on large numbers of viewers for their success.
Unlike other network-compatible programs, one $50 program is intended to serve all network users.
Unlike most programs, a web browser will open multiple windows.
The expert system uses a rule base, unlike conventional programs, which means that the volume of knowledge to program is not a major concern.
Unlike standard bilingual programs, courses would not be taught in black English.
This means that unlike existing programs, we must require young welfare mothers to go to school or to work.
Unlike twelve-step programs, members do not have sponsors, but are encouraged to help each other.
Unlike other programs where the hosts may contrast each other, they generally agree on most issues.