Slowly, deliberately, as if these places are remote, unlikely destinations.
Shea Stadium seems an unlikely destination for him.
This snug Irish capital might seem an unlikely destination for young French men and women.
Verdict: Former under-21 star is in demand but Molineux seems unlikely destination.
The two states appear an unlikely destination for the tribespeople from Laos, given the states' cold winters and overwhelmingly white population.
Would Brother Robert agree to discuss with me whatever had led him to this unlikely destination?
Georgia and the Caucasus might sound like an unlikely destination, but make the effort and you will be surprisingly rewarded.
The treasures she finds have an unlikely destination.
He wanted to get out of the city and the state as quickly as possible, flee to an unlikely destination, where they would not look for him.
For another, it is aimed at the company's backlist, an unlikely destination for so-called category romances.