Her unlikely journey into militant Islam stunned Europe and for many people was an incomprehensible aberration, a lost soul led astray.
Over the last year, so-called snap music has made an unlikely journey from Atlanta phenomenon to hip-hop laughingstock to mainstream juggernaut.
Where this unlikely journey may have been expected to hit a dead end, it has not.
Eventually, Mauresmo, the 15th-seeded player, overwhelmed the 56th-ranked Snyder and continued her unlikely journey through the year.
A journalist's unlikely journey with the pathologist who removed Einstein's brain.
The unlikely journey was spearheaded by Gary Ross, a Palm Beach real-estate investor.
It means a certain kind of validation for all of the hard work he has put in during his unlikely journey to success in the major leagues.
Rahma had not been walking long, and it is nearly a kilometre from the el-Dennaoui home to any bushland, making a toddler's journey there unlikely.
Tonight he is there at the center, in the White House, after such a long and unlikely journey from Hope, Ark.
During this unlikely journey, young Pi questions and reassures his belief in God and the meaning of life.