These works are compelling as abstractions, but you miss the artist's hands-on engagement with unlikely materials.
Minor release of radioactive material unlikely to result in implementation of planned countermeasures other than local food controls.
He favors the most unlikely materials, including algae and golf balls.
Ms. Jongerius is not afraid to combine unlikely materials to create freakish objects of unusual beauty.
Using a kid-glove touch on an unlikely material like steel has made it newly popular as a warm, not cold, element in modern design.
The car was in a tent of unlikely brown flexible material.
Peasants the world over have managed to distill alcohol from the most unlikely materials.
Despite our green confidence at Cambridge, Washington himself must have wondered if it was possible to make an army out of such unlikely human material.
Empire praised the show and its writers for creating really hilarious moments with unlikely material.
She piled together the most unlikely materials: broken boards, scraps of metal, fragments of glass.