Surely even you must admit she's a most unlikely suspect as a kidnapper.
Several authors excelled, after successfully misleading their readers, in revealing an unlikely suspect as the real villain of the story.
Security experts call Israel a "recruited society," a nation mobilized by harsh experience to guard against possible attack at any time, even from unlikely suspects.
After years, her family thought the case would remain unsolved until an unlikely suspect is arrested.
From almost the moment the news broke, many fellow students said the boys were unlikely suspects.
The two unlikely suspects were both spotted wearing a Givenchy .
Then the fact that he thought Raul Castro an unlikely suspect made him suspicious.
No," Chou agreed, "but that's exactly what we need to look for-an unlikely suspect.
He's a very unlikely suspect, but I'm including him because he's got that rifle hidden away somewhere.
A record company executive who nobody in his life could stand is beaten to death, but the investigation leads to an unlikely suspect.