It is a polymorphic virus with labeled 'Warlock-9000', with unlimited ability for spreading.
Work councils, for example, may not strike at all, while trade unions retain an almost unlimited ability to strike.
How could a player of his unlimited ability allow his game to be reduced to just a single useful stroke, his ace?
The manatee appears to have an almost unlimited ability to produce new teeth as the anterior teeth wear down.
"The access is anonymous and there is unlimited ability to communicate with others of a like mind."
"Incumbents have great advantages, tremendous resources at their disposal, thousands of people that work for them and unlimited ability to give things away."
And because Japan is selling its own currency, rather than that of another country, it has an almost unlimited ability to intervene in currency markets.
They did not know of Aunt Kade's unlimited ability to astonish.
Added to that, of course, is the former president's almost unlimited ability to make money giving speeches.
A defining game element is the player's unlimited ability to reverse time and "rewind" actions, even after dying.