But there's unlimited (and free) admission for holiday visitors who can reach the museum's hilltop in Brentwood without the need for parking.
The price of a super pass - unlimited admission for four days to all three parks - went up $2 to $118 for adults and $92 for children.
Passports entitle visitors to unlimited admission to all shows and attractions at Disneyland .
Admission: $5, single day; $12, unlimited admission.
Passes for unlimited admission to the series are $35; 15,000 film buffs are expected.
Admission is $6 a person per; a $20 pass entitles the bearer to unlimited admission.
The park may allow guests to purchase unlimited admissions to all attractions within the park.
Among the memberships is one for a family that allows unlimited admission for two parents and any number of their children under 18; it costs $55 a year.
Members receive unlimited free admission and many other benefits.
A new vacation package for visitors to Williamsburg, Va., includes unlimited admission to the area's main attractions along with hotel rooms.