But I must admit now that when I was majority leader, I didn't always enjoy unlimited debate.
So my first point is that the right of unlimited debate is a rare treasure which you must safeguard.
For example, the two distinctive characteristics of the Senate are unlimited debate and non-germane amendments.
A showdown vote is scheduled for Friday, when backers of the energy bill will seek to muster the 60 votes necessary to block the unlimited debate.
The Senate, with its rules allowing unlimited debate, generally operates by unanimous consent.
In general, however, the right to unlimited debate is preserved.
These two freedoms are unlimited debate and an unlimited opportunity to offer amendments, relevant or not, to legislation under consideration.
By 1926 one of the Senate's most cherished traditions, the right to unlimited debate, seemed to be under constant attack.
Senate rules permit unlimited debate, and on great occasions, dissenting lawmakers have resorted to filibusters, for good and bad causes.
But these days the dramatic spectacle of one senator using the right of unlimited debate to bring the institution to a grinding halt has mostly disappeared.