V. O. Key, Jr.: sparked the normative question regarding how scarce resources ought to be distributed to unlimited demands.
They are perceived to be "free" and therefore there is potentially unlimited demand.
"It's a commentary on our society that there appears to be unlimited demand for these kinds of services," he said.
"You have almost unlimited demand, and all you have to do is keep pumping in telephones," he said.
"There is an almost unlimited demand from farmers for money for conservation programs to comply with environmental requirements, to clean water, for easements to prevent suburban sprawl."
Public budgeting is the activity within a government that seeks to allocate scarce resources among unlimited demands.
At the same time, the Government had to import grain to satisfy an almost unlimited demand for bread, which cost almost nothing.
He argued, "When governments attempt to regulate the balance between a limited supply of health care and an unlimited demand for it they're inevitably forced to ration treatment."
Only World War II, with an unlimited demand for labor, routed homelessness itself from the United States.
OPP's research revealed two significant factors; first, there was unlimited demand for products and services of these family units.