Weekly greens fees are $144 for unlimited play, unlimited, that is, if you can get starting times.
Rather than purchasing tracks individually, Spotify grants you unlimited plays once a premium subscription has been purchased.
Many gaming sites charge monthly fees of $5 to $10 for unlimited play of complex games, while simpler games are free.
Daily fees - $80 to $125 - allow unlimited play on the 18-hole course.
The site, www.boxerjam.com, offers unlimited free play of game shows and puzzles, including Strike A Match and Take 5.
The full version is still being refined (as the game is still in extensive development), but includes unlimited play and extra features unavailable on the demo.
Games are purchased on a game-by-game basis, which allows unlimited play of the game.
The game was released commercially in December 1997 with a list price of US$27.99 for unlimited play, requiring no monthly or hourly fees.
Daily court fees are $15 a person, and include balls, towels and unlimited play.
Even if you have perfect Yankee Stadium-type maintenance, grass is not a practicable surface if you want unlimited play.