It was only when he tried to sell me the unlimited service for 3 years at £199 that I began to smell a rat.
You pay $10 a month for unlimited service, with the same coverage areas mentioned above, and you don't need an adapter box.
Other plans are believed to have similar limits on their "unlimited" service.
But the same voter who wants unlimited services also does not want to pay for it.
To stay her patient, I have to pay a flat fee annually for unlimited service.
And it's not just subscribers to the "unlimited" services or indeed the budget carriers that are being affected.
In February 2011 they closed the unlimited service and are charging according to how much space is used.
MCI charges from $49.99 to $69.99 a month for unlimited service.
It just isn't good business sense to offer truly unlimited services at fair prices.
I was saying that unlimited services are rare in other industries, and the quality is usually poor.