Perhaps he will be lucky, and his bad luck could help to find the unlucky girl.
Cassini was quoted as saying, "Gene is the luckiest, unlucky girl in the world, all of her dreams came true, at a cost."
The child, she presumed, was the unlucky little girl Ted and Marion had had to compensate for their dead sons.
The protagonist of the series, Amano Sakogami, is a happy but unlucky girl.
Anyhow, she is about the most unlucky girl in the world, poor soul!
Kathryn and Sophie were the two unlucky girls who didn't get to walk in the show.
Mariam is the illegitimate daughter of a bitter woman and a disloyal father - an unlucky girl whose luck turns from bad to worse.
Then it was that the unlucky girl ran in, and misunderstanding the struggle, strove to slash her father free.
The main character, Courtney, is a very unlucky girl.
Hyun-chae is an unlucky girl who has trouble finding love.