Ghost couldn't tell whether Steve had noticed Zillah's unmarked face.
The man was young, with a light shadow of beard and an open, unmarked face.
But because she had a bonny, unmarked face and a plump figure, the men were round her like flies to a honey pot.
Ephialtes's mouth was gone, his lips sealed together so tightly they seemed little more than a scar running across an otherwise unmarked face.
The man crumpled to the floor with a look of abject surprise on his otherwise unmarked face.
Or perhaps all these young, still unmarked faces were the slivers of hope in the real world of gray.
Also, his mask has slipped, revealing an unmarked face beneath.
She had once been prettyLowell could still see it in her unmarked face.
I have the same washed, unmarked face a man has.
Barrera cited his virtually unmarked face as proof of victory.