Last year Tulane considered and - because of the cost - decided against paying for dependent coverage for unmarried employees, including domestic partners.
Typically, it costs small business $1,800 a year to cover an unmarried employee and $4,000 to $5,000 for a worker with dependents.
Rutgers has never offered benefits to the domestic partners of unmarried employees because the state health benefits plan refused to cover them, he said.
Although cities are free to extend family benefits to their unmarried employees, they are prohibited by Federal law from requiring that private companies do the same.
Other small factories followed, along with workers' houses and a boarding house that Newhall built in 1860 for his unmarried male employees.
Levada stated that unmarried employees of the archdiocese could designate any person sharing the same address as their beneficiary.
The proposed agreement, which was reached on Wednesday, would also eliminate a disparity in benefits between married and unmarried employees.
Employers who refuse to provide this compensation to unmarried employees engage in the classic practice of denying equal pay for equal work.
Most of these units were intended for unmarried seasonal employees, and were small in scale.
It forbids pregnancies by unmarried employees as "negative role modeling" for the club's members -girls from 8 to 18 years old.