These articles tell the story of the Ferrari road cars, an unmatched collection of high-performance sports cars that define automotive beauty, desire, and excitement.
The museum also has an unmatched collection of memorabilia - from 1920's fan magazines to Monkees lunchboxes, from Dixie Cup tops to paper dolls, from Shirley Temple to Bart Simpson.
The warrior was almost finished buckling on his battered old breastplate, the final piece of his armor, an unmatched collection of leather, chain, and metal plates.
Included are old and rare maps from Norman B. Leventhal's unmatched collection.
The Prado Museum inaugurated in July its "definitive" hanging of its unmatched collection of Velazquez paintings, in preparation for a winter exhibition celebrating the 400th anniversary of his birth.
"Two or three or a dozen exact copies of a collection unmatched anywhere for a thousand years."
"Our late Curator, Alexandrina Tyler, left an unmatched collection of Lindsaiana."
A 75th anniversary celebration of the library's theater division, now named for the American showman Billy Rose and the charitable foundation established by his estate, the exhibition, which runs through May 5, is a vastly distilled representation of this invaluable and unmatched collection.
The library's namesake was instrumental in developing it into an unmatched specialized collection on Canadian foreign policy.
Its unmatched collection of Charleston furniture includes a chest-on-chest-on-chest, one of only three in existence.