The horse stared back and laid its ears down in an unmistakable expression of threat.
Her normally pretty face was drawn into an astonishing, unmistakable expression of pure disgust which left him speechless.
But then he opened his eyes, and she was looking at him with an unmistakable expression.
He wasn't used to seeing Hannah looking dubious, but right now that was the unmistakable expression on her face.
The boy on the bicycle looked up fast, the hair flying off his forehead, and Alan saw an unmistakable expression on his face: naked, unadulterated fear.
Lamont walked away from the thixo-board, with an unmistakable expression of contempt on his face.
There was an unmistakable expression of relief in his face.
When he did, he saw the unmistakable expression of concern on his friend's face.
For once, Kakkh was gratified to see an unmistakable expression of fear come over the Pai's insufferably smug features.
The pope mixed praise with a diplomatically worded but unmistakable expression of displeasure with the war and its aftermath.