I have seen that unmistakable form somewhere, but it fits no ship I have ever seen in the spaceyards.
The difference is that in this case, the weapons do actually exist, in the unmistakable form of the elephant.
He saw the unmistakable form of a group in the distance.
A certain insinuation of the Second Coercer took unmistakable form within the massed minds.
When the people elect a President, the popular will is expressed in its most important, most visible and most unmistakable form.
I'd know that voice anywhere, even if I didn't recognize the figure as well as the unmistakable form of her brother.
Very slowly I turned, and I saw Louis's unmistakable form emerging from the shadows.
There, up on the ridge behind her fellows, the woman saw the unmistakable forms of many, many enemies.
The tiny metal dot on the viewer expanded instantly, transforming into the unmistakable form of an alien spacecraft.
In vain did I seek that unmistakable form.