Close-packed and unwashed humanity, rancid cooking oil, smoke, a faint but unmistakable hint of the drugs.
He gestured the Alliance officer on into the chapel; not quite a dismissal, but an unmistakable hint.
Lucas winced at the unmistakable hint of sympathy he thought he heard in her voice.
"Kaslo was a long time ago," Sveta interjected with an unmistakable hint of warning.
By the most unmistakable hint possible.
There was an unmistakable hint of reproach in her tone, if not in her words.
His performance in that second-round encounter was indeed the first unmistakable hint that he had a chance to become a special player.
The emphasis on the words was an unmistakable hint.
The combination, with those unmistakable hints of passion, was very.
Most of the suggestions were arch, but with unmistakable hints of affection.