The architecture of misery has an unmistakable look and feel about it.
A moment later, he turned around again, an unmistakable look of disbelief on his face.
There's a certain unmistakable look to many of those drivers.
He also wore the unmistakable look of the summer tourist.
Archer turned toward him, and saw an unmistakable look of dread cross his face.
Even at a hundred yards, Pitt could discern the unmistakable look of men who knew exactly what they were out to do.
Perhaps older, certainly more sensual - the unmistakable look of experience.
An unmistakable look of disappointment crossed his battered face when he couldn't find anything.
Yet this couple did not have that special look, unmistakable once seen.
Then an unmistakable look of eagerness passed over his thin face, and he nodded.