The rebellion in Sooleawa's eyes flashed an unmistakable warning.
Even so, he radiated power and self-assurance, and his strange eyes registered an unmistakable warning to stand clear.
As Moishe approached, the Englishman brought the rifle up in unmistakable warning.
There lay delicate but unmistakable warning that it might be uncomfortable to know this girl too well.
Instead, he continued, "I cannot imagine the Deutsch Tosevites taking such a risk in the face of our clear and unmistakable warnings, however."
This low detection threshold gives miners an unmistakable warning and allows them to escape before any potentially incapacitating effects are felt.
"Not without your express permission, no." He dropped his deep voice to an unmistakable warning.
So many poison-producing amphibians give vivid and unmistakable warnings that they have such defences at their disposal.
There was an amazing cool in the Overlord's voice, but also an unmistakable warning.
Zyo had snapped at his peer with a fierceness that was, curiously, without heat, but filled with unmistakable warning.