Ms. Willey's accusations have been widely reported in recent months, but until now they were always filtered through the ubiquitous sources and unnamed associates.
On 15 February a reward was offered for the capture and conviction of John Squires and his unnamed associate.
The indictment charges that Mr. Milan began accepting bribes from an unnamed associate of Mr. Natale as early as March 1996.
Mr. Bakaly's problem began with a Times article citing unnamed "associates" in the Office of the Independent Counsel in explaining options for the investigation.
An unnamed associate phoned in two bomb threats to the bank.
Elkins was beaten to death by cousins Tony and Tug Emery, joined by an unnamed associate.
In a deleted scene from this episode, Freamon mentions the old arrest of Monk Metcalf and an unnamed associate of his.
Somehow Steve had the sinking feeling that Milton Treft, along with his unnamed associates, had filched the old sculptor's discovery.
A House investigation committee in 1874 revealed that Sanborn had split $156,000 of this with unnamed associates as "expenses."
In addition to the initial $27 million investment, which would buy 6 million shares, Mr. Huizenga and unnamed associates have warrants to buy an additional 12 million shares.