It lay almost invisible in the night, silent and unnaturally dark, the usual scattering of campfires gone.
The ready room seemed unnaturally dark, as if she were back on the Fury planet.
His eyes stood out unnaturally dark in his pale face.
Inside, the restaurant was unnaturally dark with a low, beamed ceiling and a heavy stone floor.
Most skin tones came out unnaturally dark, and uneven or freckled complexions were exaggerated.
He realized that it was unnaturally dark in the bedroom - Tansy had pulled the shades.
Satisfied that no one could enter, Rhoslyn set the food on the table and walked to a far corner of the room, which was unnaturally dark.
It was unnaturally dark, so that the car's headlights reflected the rain and the doctor was forced to slow his pace.
The bright light of the moon had long ago been blanketed by the heavy layer of clouds, and the night seemed unnaturally dark.
His jeans were unnaturally dark blue and looked stiff.