Planned Parenthood had urged Snyder to veto the bill claiming it unnecessarily increases costs.
Besides unnecessarily increasing the harshness of poverty, punitive measures will place an additional burden on taxpayers.
As to the application to strike out, the court would not encourage applications which were purely technical and which unnecessarily increased the costs without affecting the merits.
Moreover, inappropriate use of patterns may unnecessarily increase complexity.
Even if Medicare and private insurers further limit payments, some doctors could prosper by unnecessarily increasing the number of tests they give.
By this logic, the use of any other chemicals is entirely superfluous and only serves to unnecessarily increase the risk of pain during the execution.
Some experts are concerned, however, that such guidelines may unnecessarily increase the use of anti-hypertensive drugs.
He accused the Doumanis of forcing out Evans and that an Orion loan to the film of $15 million unnecessarily increased the budget.
Why would someone choose to unnecessarily increase the difficulty of flying a helicopter?
The Treasury report said these products also "unnecessarily increase consumers' total borrowing costs, and disguise the true cost of the insurance on a monthly basis."