But even so, Blade still did not care to risk unnecessarily the arrows of the huntresses below.
Its action was denounced by some Congressional Democrats and business groups as unnecessarily risking overkill.
I will not unnecessarily risk either you or Dr. Feroz.
"A serious slowing of the economy that is not recognized because of a lack of data could unnecessarily risk tipping the economy into recession."
Not that I'm unnecessarily risking you three in a wild caper.
We will not act prematurely or unnecessarily risk the cost of nuclear war in which even the fruits of victory would be ashes in our mouth.
While Tony Stark had intended to test them on himself, Rhodes did not feel it would be right for Stark to unnecessarily risk his life.
Such treatments are not only ineffective but unnecessarily risk complications.
Still, Russia has been assailed in the West for using blunderbuss tactics that unnecessarily risk the lives of civilians.
Foreign criticism of human-rights violations in China may unnecessarily risk backlash.