Do I look so foolish as to waste my time on unnecessary actions?
Indeed, blacks have been left behind as social change and social mobility have made affirmative action unnecessary for one group after another.
He will take no unnecessary actions, will not waste resources.
Despite the war, Luther tried to avoid any unnecessary military actions.
The legislation would also discourage unnecessary legal action by empowering judges to impose $10,000 penalties against frivolous lawsuits.
Picking up that machine-gun was the most superfluous and unnecessary action I had performed for many a long day.
There was a very low turnout for this ballot and less than 20% of their members are supporting this unnecessary industrial action.
This was a totally unnecessary and mean-spirited action.
"And I will permit no unnecessary or potentially dangerous military action."
Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.